In-depth Analysis of Handwriting & Signature
About the handwriting analysis
This analysis is based on the science of graphology. Graphology is the study of human personality through writing. It can be used as a personality test! Handwriting analysis is often called “brain writing” because it is the neurological impulses that determine the individuality of the script. The findings of handwriting are based on documented empirical research. Since 1981 graphology has been categorized amongst the other credible social sciences, by the Library of Congress.
This makes handwriting a reliable tool for various professional fields and high-stakes decision-making organizations, for example: behavioral assessments in job application processes, criminal trials, jury screening, investigation profiling, vocational guidance, compatibility, self-knowledge, and insight through misleading surface impressions.
Did you know that your handwriting is as unique as your fingerprints?
Whether you are a famous athlete, a politician, a big celebrity or a regular person, your handwriting reflects your understanding of the world, your self- esteem, weaknesses, strength, humor, intelligence, communication style and personality, and so much more. The shape of your handwriting, its pressure, angles, spacing, direction, forms, and movement are specific only to YOU. By the way, while the handwriting may change throughout the life, the basic structure of the writing that we use for the analysis stays.
Here are some quick examples:
Donald Trump’s signature has a lot of angles – it means achievement, aggression, assertion. The signature also shows quick thinking, less planning and rehearsing.
Kamala Harris’s rounded letters show her empathy, her rounded “m” demonstrate her logical mind that is slower to respond, rather rehearse her answers in advance than think on the spot.
Princess Katherine of England’s signature has a dot at the end which means, “I am the best!” and her “t” means a dedicated goal setter and achiever.