Addiction Reprogramming Certification

0.8 CEU

A multi-disciplinary, trauma-based framework developed by Dr. Kostina

Problem overview

Our society views addiction as weakness of character or “bad choices”, while traditional Western medicine approaches it as gene-based disease that can be only cured with more drugs that stimulate dopamine production. This traps an addicted person in a vicious cycle, and reduces their life to mere survival.

On the contrary, Dr. Kostina follows a different scientific proposition that postulates that both sickness and wellness are reflections of human subconscious programming, and their lifestyle choices. After experiencing damaging effects of alcoholism first-hand, she dedicated her career to studying addictions and the underlying trauma, anxiety, and other causes.

Since addiction is a complex problem, Dr. Kostina created her own Addiction Reprogramming framework based on multi-disciplinary approach.

In this certification training hypnotherapists will learn how to:
Use mind-body connection to understand the destructive effects of the addiction on the clients;
b. Quickly stop clients’ cravings using little-known but highly effective Dovzhenko technique (script provided);
c. Utilize bio-energetic and somatic healing techniques for detecting and releasing underlying causes of addiction;
d. Apply mental reprogramming tools that allow your clients create lasting satisfaction results as opposed to the temporary relief from pain or pleasure.

What is more...

You will walk away with a detailed exact plan that Dr. Kostina uses for addiction reprogramming in her practice. The underlying postulates of Dr. Kostina’s approach are:

– Your client is NOT broken.
– ANYONE could develop an addiction and problems are a part of soul’s journey.
– Addiction is a reactive response that start as a way of dealing with trauma using ineffective coping skills… Through hypnosis we break the automated connection between the trigger and response!
– Healing does not have to be long: In traditional approach, treating addiction or past trauma is a long journey. With hypnosis and energy healing we can achieve powerful results in 1 to 3 sessions!
– Healing is fun: Healing does not need to be so serious and tedious and hard! During our sessions we play, joke and have fun.
– Addictions and Trauma are your clients’ allies,. We believe that our addictions and traumas are actually pointing at the shadow part of ourselves that is ready to be healed. That is why there is ALWAYS a transformational experience following our sessions.

Your investment: $2000 $1270

Early bird by Dec 15.
TEXT US and BOOK YOUR SESSION NOW. no phone calls please